The Mass and the Liturgy

-- Dr. Hahn’s Books: 
The Lambs SupperCatholic For a Reason IIISpirit and Life 

-- Dr. Hahn's Audio: 
St. Joseph Communications carries an extensive list of Dr. Hahn's audio talks and more! 
Visit their website by clicking here

-- Dr. Hahn's DVDs: 
The Lamb's SupperReflections on the MassLetter and Spirit

-- Dr. Hahn’s Recommended Resources: 
Scripture in the Liturgy and CatechesisThe Mass of the Early Christians by Mike Aquilina.

-- Additional Resources: 
BooksScripture and the Liturgy: Inseparably UnitedHeaven on EarthThe Lamb's Supper, and The Spirit of the Liturgy by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger; What Happens at Mass by Jeremy Driscoll