Scripture Matters: Essays on Reading the Bible from the Heart of the Church

What is the “Catholic” approach to interpreting the Bible? What makes for good, sound biblical scholarship? Drawing from such exemplary scholars of Scripture as Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Josemaría Escrivá, and Cardinal Ratzinger, Scott Hahn in Scripture Matters: Essays on Reading the Bible From the Heart of the Church,  answers questions on historical criticism, the Real Presence, and the place of Scripture in Catholic teaching. 

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Signs of Life: 40 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots

In Signs of Life: 40 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots, Dr. Scott Hahn guides readers through the Catholic Church's rites, customs, and traditional prayers. From the Rosary to the use of Holy Water -- from infant Baptism to praying with icons -- Dr. Hahn helps you to discover the deep biblical and historical roots of each practice.

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Spirit and Life: Essays on Interpreting the Bible in Ordinary Time

In Spirit and Life: Essays on Interpreting the Bible in Ordinary Time, Scott Hahn presents selected essays that provide fresh insights into important biblical themes. Covering diverse topics such as Pope Benedict's Scripture-based teachings, the "liturgical sense" of God's Word, and a biblical approach to the “Pentecostal” phenomena, Hahn shows that Scripture is not a dead letter but a great, living gift from God. Indeed, it is “spirit and life” to those who will unwrap and embrace it. 

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Understanding the Scriptures: A Complete Course On Bible Study

In Understanding the Scriptures: A Complete Course on Bible Study, Dr. Scott Hahn presents a Catholic approach to Scripture, highlighting the theme of covenant. Tracing a path through salvation history, the book explains the various parts of the Bible and the importance of each part.  

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